Behavior and Discipline


My school believes that developing my personal integrity, self-discipline and responsible behavior is as important as nurturing my intellectual and academic growth.

I am expected to treat everybody as I would like to be treated myself, i.e., with courtesy and respect. I am encouraged to make responsible choices and accept the consequences that result from my actions.

I understand that the school will take action as a result of any behavior which is disruptive, violates the rights of others, violates school property, or school reputation inside or outside the school hours.

The following set of guidelines has been designed by my school to allow me and my friends to develop healthy work habits and relationships.



General Rules of School Discipline Regulations

The purpose of setting this system is to allow students to practice personal reflection and improve self-discipline. NIS has a set of golden rules of behavior which are aimed at promoting caring behavior, honesty, and healthy relationships. These enable everyone to work together within a supportive atmosphere and common purpose to help everyone grow emotionally, learn and be happy. A positive school climate and a safe learning and teaching environment are essential if students are to succeed in school. A positive school climate means everyone feels they are welcome and respected.

All students have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this right, comes the responsibility for everyone to be accountable for their actions and contribute to a positive school climate. Our teachers and administrators will listen, negotiate, support, coach and encourage students to make the right choices. NIS firmly believes that learning can best take place in an orderly environment and that students can best learn individual and collective responsibility and gain maturity if they are provided opportunities in which to exercise responsibility within the school setting.

This Discipline Policy is intended to communicate expectations regarding acceptable behavior in school in order to provide a positive learning environment for all students. It is always in effect when students are on school campus or on school related field trips or activities.

  • Parental/guardian involvement and cooperation is vital.
  • Measures regarding a student’s disregard to the school’s discipline policy will depend upon the nature of the behavior, the frequency, and the willingness of the student to correct the undesirable behavior. The use of these measures is intended to encourage acceptable behavior. Action will normally begin at a minimal level and proceed to more serious action.
  • NIS has a “disciplinary committee” that is made up of the Principal, Vice Principal, Social Worker, School Counselor and Block Supervisor. The committee will meet whenever the need arises to make decisions regarding student infractions within the school’s discipline policy.
  • Disciplinary probation is applied when a student consistently fails to adhere to the school's disciplinary policies even after intervention, particularly in cases of repeated misconduct or suspensions. Being on disciplinary probation requires students to remain free from any kind of disciplinary trouble during a predetermined time period. If that student violates their probation, they may face more severe consequences. Probationary periods can be anything from a few weeks to an entire semester or academic year. Students who are not off disciplinary probation by the deadline set in the contract will not be re-enrolled at NIS for the coming academic year.
  • NIS is part of the Kuwaiti community. NIS students are expected to respect the Kuwaiti community norms and rules while inside or outside school premises. Any violation to the school’s policy and MOE regulations will not be tolerated.

Afterschool Programs

KG After- School Program

NIS provides an after-school program, which we call “Kid’s Creations”, for our KG students. The aim of this service is to provide supervision along with fun activities for KG students like Zumba, rhythmic dancing, cooking, dramatic arts, & art and crafts . The service is available for NIS staff and parents who cannot pick up their KG children by the regular dismissal time at 12:45 pm on Sunday to Wednesday and at 12:00 noon on Thursday. Students can attend from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm or to 3:00 pm on Sunday to Wednesday and from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm or 3:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Registration in the Kid’s Creations program requires monthly payment. Parents are requested to contact the receptionist at Gate 3 for registration and payment.

After-School Clubs

NIS After-School Clubs for K- Grade 12 was launched on November 19, 2023.

Services provided include:

Sessions are offered Sundays through Wednesdays from 2:00 - 3:00 pm or from 3:00 - 4:00 pm.

A hot meal before the start of sessions is also on offer.

For any inquiries or clarification, parents can refer to the school receptionist at Gate 3, Ms. Wedad Salem or through Whatsapp contact 99982473.


Al Nibras International Bilingual School (NIS) PE Department always tries to promote lifetime values, which are related to physical education and health-related subjects. During the PE lessons, our students obtain not only valuable physical skills and lifetime knowledge concerning the healthy lifestyle but also leadership skills needed for a lifetime.

The PE Department provides the opportunity to our students to master their skills via different curriculum sports activities such as volleyball, basketball, handball, Padel, field hockey, swimming, Track & Field, and so on. Those activities vary according to the students’ level of performance and are age-appropriate.

During the academic year, we organize multiple sports events, such as in school competitions, NIS Sports Day and fathers vs. sons football matches that are accompanied by the team’s trophies. Individual medals are granted to the best-performing students.


NIS is applying Genius Map, which is a special mathematics program, based on the use of Soroban or Abacus, an ancient mathematical tool used for calculating basic number operations.

Genius Map aims to develop an ability to master the skills of solving problems mentally, to improve children’s memory, concentration, judgment, observation, imaginative and critical thinking, logical and analytical reasoning ability and time management skills. In addition, it aims to build self-confidence and to improve discipline while teaching learners speed and accuracy. Most of all, it serves as a venue for more opportunities to think, share and have fun while learning. All these abilities and skills help the learners improve their overall academic achievements.


NIS library serves students, parents, faculty and staff with a joint collection of digital and print materials using Follett’s web-based Destiny library system. It is equipped with a projector and computer area for students and staff for further reading and research.

Students and parents can access Destiny from a location outside the school in order to check the catalog, log into their Google accounts, and enjoy reading from the E-library.

Students visit the library with their teacher once a week for English and Arabic alternatively. Students can check out one book at a time, librarians teach lessons in which many skills are combined: reading genres, research strategies, and library information skills.

To find more about our library, visit our Destiny home page to browse our catalog



NIS has an Intervention Department that is able to provide special academic and therapeutic services for students who have a diagnosed need, such as a learning or physical difficulty. NIS students who are diagnosed with learning difficulties are eligible to receive academic and therapeutic support services from the Intervention Department. A team of highly trained Intervention Specialists will provide additional academic support services in the areas of Arabic, English, Math, Speech and Language Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. In this context, the Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed and adjusted to address students’ particular needs & goals.


At NIS, we are great advocates of early intervention. We believe that early intervention may have its strongest impact when offered during the first few years of life to prepare a child for adult life. Early intervention means identifying and providing effective early support to children and young people who are at risk of poor outcomes. Early intervention works to reduce the risk factors and increase the protective factors in a child’s life. Effective early intervention works to prevent problems occurring, or to tackle them head-on when they do before problems get worse. It also helps to foster a whole set of personal strengths and skills.


S.T.E.M. Education: Students are engaged in learning experiences that enable them to use their creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning to achieve the 21st century skills to become effective learners, collaborators, communicators, and creators.


Periodical visits from Al-Salam International Hospital: